Originally Posted by iampepito
To try to answer some of your questions I would reccomend you to go into your GPS settings under control panel and make sure ur phone is controlling ur GPS automatically and make sure that ur GPS program is operating under COM4 or is automatically controlled through the control panel settings
As far as the battery gauge goes, I personally find it helpful and visually attractive but if you really don't like it I think you can find the cab for it and install it and then go right back and uninstall it or just find a ROM that doesn't have it on there.
Same with the large start menu, either get the ROM specially cooked without it, find the cab and go an reinstall/uninstall.
Good Luck
I'll probably switch to the simple (stripped) version of the ROM since Voice Commander doesn't seem to work with my headset.
I've got all the GPS settings correct. Google just told me that my GPS receiver is having trouble tracking GPS satellites. At least thats a new error...