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Old 02-15-2007, 05:54 PM
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Covering just a couple of points...
Originally Posted by edgar2049
I have a PPC6700 Starcom from Movistar Venezuela, which also has the SO WM 5 in spanish, it is an excelent PPC Phone but sometimes I feel that its a like slow, and has a few bugs ( the MiniSD reading is a little slow the first time that you go to Programs or Games folder, it has a delay of about 1 min!!!! ), etc ....
This is actually due to the way that the Start Menu and programs work. When the Start Menu is launching, it shows icons for all of the various programs you have installed (like it should). The problem is that the icon resource tends to be towards the end of executables, and so if you have large executables (like, say, Skype), the Start Menu is going to have crawl through several megabytes of data just to get to the icon. As you can imagine, this can take a while, and when you multiply it across several different programs that all do the same thing... it can get pretty painful. A different AKU probably wouldn't help you all too much with this problem.

Originally Posted by edgar2049
I would like to know what are the improves of the version 3.3 or 3.5, also I would like to know if there is any way to do a backup of my actual AKU 2.2.0 in the case of somthing goes wrong in the updated version 3.3 or 3.5 with my PPC ( its that possible???? ).
I'm not sure where I can point you to in order to get a version of the ROM you already have installed. Is there anything from your current carrier? What would be best is if your carrier has provided an upgraded ROM to, say, the AKU 2.2.0 you have or something similar. Then, you would keep a copy of that ROM in conjunction with a backup from a proper backup program (a lot of information on that is available here), and that would be the backup of your phone (although you could skip the latter part if you didn't care about the data on your phone, and only cared about the operating system).

Originally Posted by edgar2049
Are the new AKU 3.3 or 3.5 in spanish lenguaje or english only???
Heeheehee... I guess I might as well let one of the secret things I've done to my phone out of the bag. Let's just suffice it to say that if you can get a copy of your wince.nls file from your AKU 2.2.0 (which shouldn't be very difficult), then what you can do is use the ROM kitchen to replace your wince.nls with your Spanish one. This will take care of all the majority of the regional settings on the device itself (so that dates, numbers, currencies, etc. will be correct). In addition to this, you'll want to take a look at this xda-dev wiki page to change things like keyboard settings, T9 settings, and dictionary settings. The only thing I'm not sure of will be the language settings for the operating system text may still remain in English, but that might be okay for you. Suffice it to say that I have my own ROM running on a Japanese wince.nls...
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