Originally Posted by budney
I would love to sign it, but I think it needs to be thought out a bit more. After every sentence I am asking my self, Why? Also the "Please think rationally Microsoft!" is just not the right thing to say. It is rather insulting, ads the saying goes "don't bite the hand that feeds".
I agree with you that it needs to be thought out a bit more. We have to sound more professional and also want to make them feel that with all the ROM upgrades we do, we have not made the phone companies liable for our mistakes. I, personally understand that if I brick my phone it is my responsibility to use my insurance or replace the phone. If we make them see things like that on the petition then it should be okay. I think we shoud all give ideas on what should be on the petition and draft another one up ASAP. Not taking your idea away from you Helmi_c, just trying to add to it and make it better.