Need future MLB app input
Hey all,
The past day or two I've been putting together some script that takes data from and delivers it to my Mogul (via MortScript)... right now, I've got the following working:
-Get Schedules
Displays a list of today's MLB games (based on system date) in format "Away @ Home, GameTime"... will pull the data once a day, and then cache until the date changes. Also has options to offset the time to make it display in your time zone.
-Get Current Score
Pretty self-explanatory... Upon selecting a game from the list, will display the current score
-Get Line Score
Upon selecting a game, will list game status, current inning #, balls/strikes/outs, and runs scored for each team, listed by inning.
Obviously I've just started on this app and I plan on adding more features/data... for example, selecting an inning from one of the games will (hopefully) soon pull up data about who scored what, etc. I also want to add a feature where the user will select a game they want to monitor... the app would then wake up every XX minutes and check the score.. if the score has changed, it would then send a vibe (or ring, etc) to the phone and alert the user...
I'm not really ready to release this app yet, as it's still buggy and i'm still working on handling a few different scenarios (e.g. right now it hard errors out if you select a game that hasn't started yet).
I'm basically posting this out here as a sounding-board for any suggestions, requests, etc. that people think would be awesome to have. If you could have any feature you wanted in an MLB program, what would it be??
Let me know. Thanks!