Originally Posted by sketchy09
Ok, I've searched and searched to no avail. Let me explain my problem:
I use WMP 11 on Vista to manage my music, pictures, videos, and recorded TV. I sync these various media to my Sprint Vogue (Touch) from within WMP in order to preserve album art, metadata, etc. However, there is a rather annoying issue that seems to have no resolution. When syncing from the desktop WMP 11, it places all files in a directory in the root of the storage card as follows:
\Storage Card\Pictures\filename.jpg
\Storage Card\Music\Artist Name\Album Name\file.wma
and so on for TV and Videos.
HOWEVER, the built-in camera of the Touch saves pictures in the My Documents folder on the storage card as follows:
\Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures\filename.jpg
As you can see, the desktop WMP 11 and the HTC camera end up placing files in separate directories, which makes it virtually impossible to keep a nice, synced picture album. Pictures taken on the phone have no EASY way to be synced to the computer.
Does anyone have a solution to this? The desktop WMP 11 either needs to copy files to the \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures\ folder OR the HTC camera needs to save files in the \Storage Card\Pictures\ folder.
If your using Vista, go into WindowsMobileDeviceCenter, click on Music,Pictures,andVideo. Then click on Video/pictures import settings. Set this up, then Windows will sync your pictures.
Currently WindowsMediaPlayer doesn't have that capability, but the devices sync software does. With XP, you can do the same with activesync.