I did a little google search and found
http://www.gpcarreon.com/?p=466... a MortScript script. I haven't tried it so I don't know how capable it is, nor do I know if it works with the Palm Threaded SMS app, but here's the script:
Choice "SMSGroup" ,"Send Message to" ,"Friends" ,"Foes" ,"BVG" ,
Case 1
run \Windows\tmail.exe , -service "SMS" -to "0922123456789; 0922987654321"
Case 2
run \Windows\tmail.exe , -service "SMS" -to "0918123456789; 0918987654321"
Case 3
run \Windows\tmail.exe , -service "SMS" -to "0917123456789; 0917987654321"
Case 0
Message "Cancel"
This appears to allow you to create different distro lists (in this case, Friends, Foes, etc.) through a menu system. You'd just need to hard code the phone numbers into each list or "case".
If you're not familiar with MortScript, there's a great thread over at TreoCentral:
Hope this helps, or at least gets the ball rolling on a way to get your distribution list.