Originally Posted by Delvorak
My battery seemed to drain really fast yesterday (only lasted maybe 6 hours?) when I was playing with the GPS (nearly non-stop). So it definitely appears to impact battery life. Good thing I've got a car holder w/charger for my Touch 
Yesterday I did a test where I was plugged up into my car radio, was running iguidance, and using Tracky in the background to log coordinates to a file and also to upload to the web my current condition. I was also playing music with S2P. It did pretty well for the first 20 minutes, but then I started switching between the programs and iguidance started lagging really badly. I closed tracky, and tried again and everything was fine. It was cool because when I would approach a turn, the music would go to half volume and iguidance would say take a right onto soand so, even with the music screen up