Originally Posted by VW
Mine isnt bad right now, although I had to take it outside this morning and allow it a couple of minutes to get a lock. Now even inside upstairs I am getting a lock with 5 satellites, although it puts my altitude at -200ft whereas it should be 600 ft or so. I guess thats due to the lackluster satellite configuration because I have 4 to the W and one straight up. I wonder what affect this is going to have on battery life. Also I wonder if it would be better to increase baud rate to a higher number. I tried 57,600 and it seemed faster updating, but I also think it drained my battery really fast.
My battery seemed to drain really fast yesterday (only lasted maybe 6 hours?) when I was playing with the GPS (nearly non-stop). So it definitely appears to impact battery life. Good thing I've got a car holder w/charger for my Touch