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Old 04-27-2008, 01:15 AM
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Exclamation HELP Requested 6700 FUBAR

Hey all,

I currently have a dead make a long story long:

I have had my 6700 since Jan of last year and have had WM6 on it since it was first developed on this site (much thanks to Helmi and crew) which has worked very well for me until about 3 weeks ago. Since that time I have been experiencing multiple lockups that have required soft and since about 10 days ago hard reboots to correct. The problem comes within the last two days the phone intermittantly goes into a lockup immediately on restart (even after a hard reboot). Well yesterday I reinstalled the settings for my e-mail account and subsequently the phone locked. After two unsuccessful soft reboots I had to do a hard reboot after which time the phone went immediately into a lockup (nothing on the phone worked). Since I noted that the battery appeared to be low I plugged the device in only to find that the device wouldn't recognize the fact that it was plugged in...after a soft reset the phone recognized the plug and started charging for about 5 min then locked up and wouldn't recoginze the plug.

To continue when I got home early this am I attempted to install the official ROM, only to find that the phone wasn't being recognized by the computer so it wouldn't install. I was able to install a 3.5 ROM using bootloader mode and an older No-ID install. Since I was able to install the 3.5 version I have had no change in success with the phone. I remain with the lockups immediately on reset (both soft and hard). So now I am stuck with a dead phone and was planning on going to Verizon tomorrow, however I remain with a phone that has an unofficial ROM on it with the radio being version 1.41...and am fearful that they will say the problem is my fault since I changed the ROM and Radio. Does anyone have any ideas to help me out? I am not even sure if Verizon will be helpful or if I should just go through the insurance to get a replacement.

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