Originally Posted by mswlogo
If you really think the ROM twiddled something why not role back to stock sprint ROM then put 6.0 Alltel ROM back on.
But you need to be really careful with EVDo speeds they can VARY a lot. I have got over 1000KB before REV-A and 10 minutes later get 200KB. You need to be careful what test sites you use too as those can vary a lot too.
Keep us posted because I did run JD 6.1 ROM and found it a little flakey and rolled back to 6.0. But I'm Roaming 1X speeds right now and don't know if I have any problem or not.
It sounds to me like you are having a very similar problem to the one I'm having. I flashed from Alltel to JD's 6.1 and that's when I lost my Rev A. I never got it back after that..
I have the OEM 6.0 Sprint ROM flashing as we speak and am in the midst of starting completely over. This time I will not leave the Alltel ROM until something better than a test ROM comes out.