Re: NEW ALLTEL ROM 3.35 is now on HTC Site!!!
I installed this yesterday and it solved all of my problems. I dont want to make it sound like you have to have it. I had a few other problems with my phone, like it wouldnt authenticate. I installed the new radio and also Vetvitos pill over the black which has GPS and Im happy to report somehow all of my problems are gone. I used to get errors all over the place, now everything is good.
On a side note, I wasnt aware that Vetvito had GPS cooked into his Black rom, I installed gnatsplats GPS concoction and the phone would auto-reset every 2-3 minutes. I had to uninstall it. So if you are using Vetvitos ROM you dont need the GPS cabs.
Overall I like it. My only complaint is that alltel splash screen, but I knew it was there before I upgraded. Otherwise dsl reports shows 936 kb/sec on EVDO so Im happy. my wifi was only pulling 1036 and thats 5 meg hsi.
Heres a screenshot I didnt capture the 936 but as you can tell this is close..
Last edited by Limegrntaln; 04-26-2008 at 11:55 PM.