Originally Posted by psweitzer
Hey Musicman...
After upgrading last night to the Alltel ROM and then adding JD's ROM the iCube install mostly doesn't work....  It installs but when I bring up the cube all I get is the text and no graphics.... What will I do without my iCube!!!! =)
Let me know if there is anything I can try. Thanks!
This is a known issue with the Alltel ROM. It will only display graphics that are in the \Windows folder. I made a fix for MacFlo, so I guess I can make a fix for iCube as well. I'll be working on it.
For now, if you want, you can move the folder "iCube" from My Documents to Windows and then use the Cube Config Tool to change all of the Icon paths to point to \Windows\iCube instead of \My Documents\iCube. That's essentially what I'll be doing with the fixed CAB.