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Old 04-25-2008, 08:57 PM
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Re: Vogue/Touch Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19716 BUILD 19716.1.0.0

Originally Posted by colonel View Post
What do you mean by it tops out at 16? You can set the pagepool to any number (whole value) you want.

When I go under the tools menu and set the pagepool to 24 or 32 it tells me that the max size allowed is 16... So I just figured if I could locate the .NBH then I would just use the pagepool changer.. Maybe I was doing something wrong?? I checked everything I wanted to get cooked into the rom then selected adjust pagepool under the tools menu and when I try to change it to anything over 16mb it tells me I can't..

the .nbh is created and flashed from a directory similar to this:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\hIq Inc\PPC-BuildOS\\RUU
Thank you..I am using Vista so I think this will give me a great reference..Thanks for you time....