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Old 04-25-2008, 08:46 PM
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Re: How-To Get GPS/Rev A on Sprint Touch

Originally Posted by deadparrot View Post
I'm going to attempt this on a xv6900 with the GPS integrated ROM..I want to make sure I have all the steps right before doing it. I'm taking the first post and modifying it a little..

Things to download:
- Newest Alltel ROM:
- ImCokeMan's 2.31 Unlocker:
- jakdillard's WM6.1 ROM:

1) Connect your phone to your computer and establish an ActiveSync connection.
2) Run the Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe on your computer and follow all of the prompts (including when to disconnect the USB cable and reconnect).
3) After you get into Windows, do the Power-Camera-Reset to get into ImCokeMan's Bootloader (the rainbow screen).
4) Run the Alltel ROM exe file (follow all prompts).
5) DO A SOFT RESET BEFORE THE CUSTOMIZATIONS RUN or you will not have an internet connection.
6) Flash to jakdillard's rom

Is this it? I reallly don't want to brick my phone. Thanks for anyones help
That worked for me. I ran the 2.0 Unlocker before I did anything else (This will not prevent your current installed rom from still booting before the next step) I then proceeded to flash to the alltel rom. Then flashed to JD's without any problems whatsoever. I thought my phone was bricked at first because only half of the bootloader info was comming up on the very first boot but it all came back after the first soft reset. Hope that helps