Originally Posted by neverempathey
ok i bricked my phone. i was looking in other posts and i guess i am using the wrong bootloader mine says spl-2.01.1000 and now it is stuck in the bootloader. So now i have to try getting it back to stock this sucks.
Dude.. wtf. The instructions are *right there* on the first page. Download all the four links at the top and follow it *exactly*.
Here's the link:
That's why he made this thread. Look at the first post on the first page!!! Follow it in order. If you did step 2, 2) Run the Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe before doing anything else you would've been fine. I doubt you bricked your phone since you're in bootloader but if you can't follow the directions then you will eventually end up with a messed up phone. If you want it done right: FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON THE FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD IN ORDER.