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Old 04-25-2008, 07:24 PM
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Re: How-To Get GPS/Rev A on Sprint Touch

I am having problems with gps working I followed the first post instructions to a t. I did a hard reset and tried again and still nothing. The only thing that looks fishy to me is that when I click programs 1 and 3 out of the 3 program pack they do not launch anything. program 2 notifies me of an installation like other programs, but 1 and 3 do not. There is just a slight screen flicker. is this normal, or possibly the source of my problem.

Also, musicman i remember seeing in the first thread about a problem with cubes and macflo. Did you ever get this working on the alltel rom?

Finally, I may have never noticed this on the Sprint rom before, but if you click on the icons in the top for battery and such it zooms in to big icons. I love this (if it worked on the Sprint Rom, I am dense.)