darksine: Did you set the date and time on the welcome screen? If not this may have caused the trial app to expire as it would see it as being used for a year once synced or the time was updated by the carrier. The apps are not installable as they are in the ROM as this does not use storage space and if you do not want to use them, just remove the links in startup and/or use the GUI to disable them. If installed or not, since the files are in ROM, it makes no difference what so ever as to space on the device and if disabled it would be like they are not even there. Ok short answer... no they can not be unisnstalled..
slypher: Installing xscalar or any of the full version of the software would take up the same amount of space as installing to a device that does not have them in the rom. The install will just mask the files in the Rom. To save storage space, you can extract just the exe's from the cab (or from a prior install) and copy the file over the one in the windows directory. This will also just mask the rom file, but will take up less space and not create an install point in add/remove and would be the best method. As to getting the files in your own rom. I don't use the kitchen so you would have to use the "other method" to extract the nk.bif and extract it to a dump dir. From there it's just a matter of overwritting my exe's with yours and re-packing. Not to hard really.
chuque: Sorry no kithen. I use the other method. See reply above to Slypher for details on adding in your bits. Let me know if I can point you in the right direction for more info or help.
hodula1: Bt pan is in, just not tested. Just saw your next post, is that a statement that you tested it and it's working or a comment that the bits are in?
enracaed: Yes they are all in and functional. I updated the first post to reflect this as well. Thansk for pointing out that I didn't mention them.
rlith: I have had no issues with my storage card. Make sure you are not installing 3rd party software that is overwriting the drivers for the sd as this will casue it to not work. Aslo I am unclear on the extended_rom2, is this from another hack as I am only familuar with the inital extended_rom.
josephaoliva: See my reply above to slypher on adding files. In a nutshell you could just install vc1.6 to your device, then copy the exe off to your storage or computer. Then with a hard reset all your data is cleared, but you have your vc exe elsewhere to copy back. Hope that clears it up.... you could also extract it from the cab file but that's another post in itself and is here somewhere if you do a search for cecabmanager.