Re: How Do I Flash Back To Original Sprint Load without USB Working?
is this what you did?
1. Format your MicroSD card to FAT32 (YES - FAT 32 32 32!! not just plain old FAT) (again, this is not required if your card is already fat32; it is ok to have other data on the card). I have read that the card needs to be 2gb or smaller, though I'm not sure how much truth, if any, there is to that...
2. Extract the .NBH you desire to flash from the exe or zip or w/e put it on the microsd card rename it from RUU_signed.nbh to VOGUIMG.NBH
3.Put the MicroSD card in your phone and Get To the BOOTLOADER screen (camer+power+reset) it should then start updating with the .NBH on the SD card and the procedure should begin automatically.