04-25-2008, 02:47 PM
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Re: New Alltel 3.04.671.2 Rom Released, Rev A enabled
Originally Posted by Musicman247
As of right now it is a no go. I haven't flashed over to the Alltel ROM yet, so I don't know what's going on. I was going to wait for jakdillard's ROM. You might want to do the same? If there are enough people who go the Alltel way, I may flash over and see if I can figure it out, but if JD's ROm works for all carriers, then I'll just work on it using that ROM.
Edit: I just noticed that JD doesn't have a "Donate" link. Hm. so, who do I give my money to when the ROM comes out? I already donated to ImCokeMan. Might want to get on that, jak. 
Yup, I'm definately waiting for JD's 6.1 ROM. I have no freezes on the Sprint 209 rom that he built.