Originally Posted by schettj
(a) it's an expensive bit of gear, are you sure you want to turn it into a testbed for unoffical roms? You really should have a good answer for that one.
(b) ok, you're crazy like me, so you answered "yes"! Proceed
(c) first real step!
you must have activesync working, and a full sync of cal/contacts/todo - or assume you will lose them. Read that again. Understand it? Sure? Really?
(d) sync - make sure its current
(e) do you have all the various bits you've already installed? By bits I mean, you have the installer exes, or the CABS, NOT on your phone internal store? Sure? Really Really? Ok... Oh, and you have all your serial number/reg key/whatevers for your commercial apps?
(f) last chance... You Will Be Wiping Internal Memory Very Soon...
(g) last bit of homework. You're going to be doing stuff that isn't going to play well with your carrier extended_rom stuff. We'll get to that in a moment, but unfortunately that's a huge hairy branch of choices from there... and I'm not going to be able to type it all up in one go.
Good stuff. I'm going to cut off his post there, so this reply doesn't get too unwieldy. After I understand this "prep" phase, I'll be better prepared to deal with the stuff that comes later. I hope.
Okay, in answer to "a". Yeah, I'm fairly willing to slap a user-built ROM on my shiny new phone. As long as I pick a fairly popular one, I figure the odds of it actually slagging the hardware are managably low. The part that worries me is what happens if I screw up the upgrade process itself.
That sounds like a recipe for a brick. Hence, this thread...
Moving on to step "c": No, I'm not at all sure I have Activesync working. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's not working. I've only created one "contact", but I see no indication that it's been backed up. I haven't looked for or read instructions about Activesync. I just downloaded it, installed it on my PC, and slapped the phone in its cradle. Things happened automagically then, but God knows what... Here's what item "c" says to me:
"You will need to back up all personal info prior to upgrading the ROM. If you do not, you will lose all your contacts, calander entries, etc. Happily, Activesync can do this for you. Make sure it does." {Insert link to Activesync instructions}
Okay, making progress....
(d) sync - make sure its current
I have no idea what this even means.
Are we talking about Activesync some more?
We're up to "e". The one about making sure you know where all the files are that you will need after the upgrade is finished. Pretty self-explanatory. Good advice.
Skipping to "g". The mysterious allusion to our carrier's extended_rom. I still don't know what that is, but here's my guesses:
* It's the add-on stuff that comes preloaded on your phone, kinda like the useless virus-checker that Dell installs on every computer they sell. On my Sprint phone, I see the "Audible Player" and "GetGood". Perhaps these were in the ext-rom?
* Or, maybe it's the super-special software bits that allow your phone to actually talk on the carrier's network, voice and data. Kinda like drivers, I suppose. Maybe some sekrit encryption doodads, too.
So, what is the "homework" we're supposed to do? I was
assuming (dangerous!) that the folks that wrote/assembled/modded the ROM upgrade spent many a day getting it to play nicely with the proprietary bits from Verizon and Sprint. Is that not so? Is there more work that the end-user needs to be able to do?