Originally Posted by tiermann
The latest OEMizer is included in the latest buildOS installer, updater, or also in my signature. Fixes the saving problem.
The updater uses standard ports. No reason anything should be blocking it, but check your firewall.
So long as this is using standard ports then the firewall isn't the issue. I did a plain vanilla install taking all the defaults. My laptop is part of a 2003 AD domain. The laptop is an XP SP2 (XP Firewall is off) and I have a roaming profile. My Documents is remapped to save to a Network Drive. You think any of that could be causing problems?
Also it seems that everytime you update builds for OEMizer it doesn't use the same folder and you have to copy everything up. then I also found that after saving my OEM and then reopening it that the checkboxes for POP3/Imap are unchecked and the Mail2Web/Exchange is also unchecked.