Re: New Alltel 3.04.671.2 Rom Released, Rev A enabled
Originally Posted by blisk
Got it working, MUST DO ALLTEL FIRST clearly as JD said above. That was my mistake and probably a lot others... not sure why I thought it'd be cool just going to JD's.
Anyway so here it is step by step:
1. Install unlocker 2.31
2. Hard reset
3. Install alltel rom on first page (don't freak out at the reboots)
4. Skip customization if you want to keep alltel at this point and have it work
5. Install JD's Rom
6. Hard reset
Takes a bit to load into the first time, long time on the windows mobile 6.1 green screen, but hang in there.
Got it working too! How can you tell gps is enalble and rev A is working? BIG THANKS TO JD!