Originally Posted by blisk
I was just going to post that I WAS able to get my current rom to start (with the pre alltel radio) to start with the 2.31 unlocker right after i updated to it... I assumed it would go back to the tri color screen but it did not. I would not try the alltel on the old unlocker!!!
I'm currently updating myself, I just confirmed it was the SPL 2.31 on the touch, Flashing as i speak. Just to note it booted after the unlocker was updated and i did not hard reset. I then proceeded to hard reset, let it do customizations, restart, unchecked everything in active sync for it to sync then started the flash process.
I have unlocked using 2.31, then I flashed with JD's .nbh. I was inquiring whether I should now try flashing the Alltel .exe, run it, allow customizations, and then flash to the JD test rom, allow customizations, then IOTA.