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Old 04-24-2008, 10:36 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19209 (Build 19209.1.0.2) aka 5060

Originally Posted by kaos View Post
its not a fact of me just saying it does work to blow does work cause Ive DONE IT..
i know Kaos -- i'm just saying.. it's frustrating. i would love to be able to have this work for me.. it just seems to NOT work for people, more than it does. bummer..

So here is a question.
moved from 5054 to 5060. everythings been working great all day.
i selected HetalTp's touch keyboard from the kitchen.. it installed 2 entries on my keyboard selection - Touch Keyboard and Touch Keypad.
they were working fine, for hours, now all of a sudden when i click either of them, the regular keyboard just stays on screen.
and when i go to select either of them to try again, the default arrow is on the 'regular' keyboard.. so it's not even processing the selection to switch to the touch ones..

is there a way i can just remove the Touch keyboard from the selector dropdown ? i don't want to re-flash just to get them out of there... or better yet, whats up that they don't seem to work all of a sudden?

EDIT - crap. wrong thread. my bad. move to no2 nuerom WM 6.1 if you can...
Verizon xv6800 -
N00B walkthrough to ROM flashing through the Kitchen.
Click HERE.

Last edited by Nickles; 04-24-2008 at 10:47 PM.
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