I Spy My Mogul With My Eye.....
I saw a thread like on another site and I thought it was a great idea.
The object is to list where and when you've seen the Sprint Mogul. It can be in person from someone walking down the street, on TV , in a Movie , etc.....
So I will start it off:
I Spy My Mogul with My Eye....... Chloe on Smallville has had a Sprint Mogul in the last two episodes. She has a raw Mogul. Not added programs from what I can tell.
Phone History (last 2yrs or less): Sanyo5500>Sanyo8300>SamsungA920>Moto i930>Moto i870>Moto Q>The Mogul & a iC902> Touch Pro & iC902>Touch Pro and a Palm Pre> just a Pre for now>>HTC EVO (white)!