Originally Posted by No1ustad
uh. ok. don't know why you felt the need to share. htc and winmo have other devices to have helped you with that. guess if that ship has already sailed i'm not really sure what your point is. anyways.
I'm wondering how buggy hgrays phone is, or if it became more buggy after he enabled gps
ha funny guy.. only if you knew how long i'v been with the ppc..lol at htc and winmo have other devices? tell me what else on sprint works without bugs or constant crashes that is winmo..lol the Mogul ahaha i had 5 of those.. guess how many Qs i had 7!!! lol...XV6700 3 of those im on my 3rd Touch and i've had enough with HTC until they get their acts right.. i'm getting a free blackberry pearl and curve so why not give em a try..its FREEE!!!
anywayz don't mind me..guys pls do carry on and good luck im hoping for the best!!!! and maybe the treo 800 will be the Holygrail of em all!
@blue4shizzle i don't know how you do it.. and i commend you more pwr to you man