Why does battery status show 300MHz on a 400MHz phone?
Title pretty much says it all -- the Battery Status today plugin shows 300MHz as the processor speed but a Mogul/Titan has a 400MHz processor in it.
Is there a way to tell what speed the device is really running at?
Do performance add-ins like "HTC performance" or "Oxios" affect it and underclock?
If so, shouldn't you see the number bounce up under heavy load like watching video? I never see anything but 300MHz in the screen.
Brian D Luczywo
Verizon, VX6800 (Mogul/Titan) on 5060 Custom image thanks to PPCKitchen
Thanks to ImCokeMan, Helmi, No2Chem and the many other kind-souls here who help out
I truly feel like it proves the saying "standing on the shoulders of giants".
I've been in software for 20 years and I still can't see how you've done it.