Now for the instructions on how to do it yourself... Unless you just want me to do it. If you do, pm me or request them here!
How To Create Themes for sMMS
By DeCiBeL
Here is a brief explanation on how to create themes for sMMS.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<author Name="SomeGuyMMS" Date="04-14-08" />
<add key="TextBoxBackColorSP" value="#CC4679" />
<add key="TextBoxBackColorPPC" value="#CC4679" />
<add key="FormBackColor" value="#9D345C" />
<add key="TextBoxForeColor" value="#DBD5C7" />
<add key="LabelForeColor" value="#F1EEE7" />
- Key "TextBoxBackColorSP" is the background color of the textboxes for Smartphones. It is preferable to make this background color different from the FormBackColor. This way the textboxes can stay visible on SmartPhones.
- Key "TextBoxBackColorPPC" is the background color of the textboxes for PPC's.
- Key "FormBackColor" is the entire screen's background color.
- Key "TextBoxForeColor" is the color of the text in the textboxes.
- Key "LabelForeColor" is the color of the labels for the textboxes.
- You must use full 6 character HEX codes for the colors.
- Create a file using any text editor with the above sample text.
- Save the file with the name you want to be seen in the Settings of sMMS. Example: Dark.xml
- Copy the file to \Program Files\sMMS\Skins
- Open sMMS Settings and change the Skin to the one you just copied.
- Save.
- Close sMMS (Menu => Exit) and reopen.