Re: easy internet sharing
thanks, for the reply but that's what I'm trying to avoid, I don't want her to have to do anything with the phone other than plug it in. That's how it works with my sanyo.
It looks like that's what i'm sending with her, as the battery still seems ok. (been testing for a while now)
I would have been nice to have evdo.a but oh well (she was going to sign up for aol, just for access for a week or two. dumb i know)
also, I was unable to swap esn's to my sanyo on sprints site. I called in and was told it's because PAM was on my account (unlimited vision) and the sanyo didn't support it.. obviously the rep was new(ish). anyway she hung up on me, and i called back in to retentions as i noticed my bill was messed up anyway, and that guy didn't have any issues. I think it's because the sanyo is a legacy phone and wasn't built into the ensomble(*sp) billing system.