Originally Posted by thezero4
The only thing I liked in V2 a little bit more was theat when you where typing a word that has an appostrophe it would keep you in the XT9 mode, for Instance now if you Type I then ' it inserts the word so then you have to type m and select the M Space instead of me. V2 you coul type I' and select I'm. I liked that and used it on a lot of contractions.
In the tutorial for V3 it explains how to do this. They changed it up a little bit now you have to slide down and hold the apostrophe for a couple seconds then it will string the first letter like I to ' then you can type your m in and you should get I'm which will be added to the dictionary. If you want a clearer explanation you can go here:
Slide Down for the
symbol/punctuation on the bottom of a button.
Slide Down & Hold for a second to keep the symbol as a part of the word. Tap the button directly if the word is already in the dictionary."