Originally Posted by Verix
When you cook a new ROM, and include a program, such as Resco, you're cooking it to the O/S ROM. You can't uninstall it or update it. For example, you add Resco to your ROM, then you try to install a newer version of Resco, you'll now have two different Resco installs; one in your ROM and one as a standalone program.
Well, I was only going from my experience with Live Search. I cooked it to my WM6 ROM and was having trouble with it so I wanted to uninstall. Yes, it was in ROM so there was no option to uninstall. Well, an update came through and I installed it. Well, the next time I looked, the option was there to uninstall it. So, I don't REALLY know what happened. When I did uninstall it, it was removed from my Programs. I assumed it was gone from my system. There were some orphaned folders and such but I thought it was just being Windowish. If this did not happen, I would definitely agree that OS stuff can't be removed, e.g. I can't uninstall the Office apps, which are tied to the OS.
OK, so I'm doing my weekly reading and see this post:
Also I had a question for you my dad wanted answered- When you have the Rom cooked and the PPC up and running can you delete any of the programs you added before flashing OR are they technically preinstalled software and can only be changed my flashing again?
You cannot delete them, all you can do is delete there shortcut so they don't show up but they will still be there. I is so esy to cook up another ROM with changes that you can do it 2-3 times a day if you want to test. I cooked about 25 in 2 weeks just to play and find the programs I liked most. If you use the OEMizer and active sync you can hard reset or cook and have your phone back to exactly the way it was before you hard reset it.
And, do those preinstalled programs get stored in the program files folder OR Windows Root directory?
The ROM is actually by itself. It is an alloted amount of space for your OS and programs that are preinstalled. <---- Bad description probably but basically if you don't use the space it can't be used later. Stuff your ROM with all you can because this memory space cannot be used for anything else. It cannot be added to or taken away from after you flash. Hope that makes sense.
One more thing..Lets say I install RObMayers Rom, and I find it too OEM like How in the world can I add more programs from the cooking PPCGeeks program with all of the extras that are there as options? How would I do that because I remember when I loaded the Apache helmi's kitchen, and if you checked too many programs you get an error stating I overshot the Rom... I have searched but haven't found the correct answer, or it's there and it's too technical to understand. I remember something about saving to OEM Folder but I don't get it.
This is going to be trial and error for you. I like the kitchen and feel it is the only way to go. Some like for others to do the work for them and they just flash. IMO this process has been made so easy, thanks to the devs here, that you can do it yourself. You can pick your programs and flash your own ROM in 15-30 minutes once you get used to it. As far as the error goes, add items then build if you get the error take a few things out and give it another go. Just trial and error, but very easy to do.
So I'm rethinking my advice and stuff it as full as you can get it since it can't be used for anything else. I had a different conception of the ROM completely. Again, always learning....