I did run into one problem since installing this ROM. Every so often my SD card would disappear. A soft reset would bring it back, just like bbobrian said in an earlier post. I didn't load any of the sprint junk (my ext rom only has ring tones and themes in it). I don't know what caused it, but i seem to have solved it by doing the following hacks:
================================================== =======
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\States \Suspend
dsk1 - 2 (DWORD)
Prevents the SD Card from going into suspend; the main cause of DSOD
cam1 - 4 (DWORD)
Forces the camera to turn off during suspend, saving power.
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\States \Unattended
wav1 - 2 (DWORD)
Prevents the sound card from turning off while the unit is unattended mode.
================================================== =======
I found these somewhere on this forum and have saved them to a word document, i can't remember now and i am not trying to take someone else's credit.....however i do want to share my experience so that someone else may benefit.
The disappearing SD card seemed to happen more after i installed SPB mobile shell, not sure if its a coincidence or not. But it seems to be resolved for now....i will post back with updates periodically. I am using the R2 release with the fixes for Poutlook and Pimag. I will be testing R3 in a week or so.
"The difference between a smart person and a wise person is that a smart person knows
what to say and a wise person knows whether or not to say it." - unknown
Funniest thread ever!!
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