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Old 04-19-2008, 03:14 PM
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Re: Whisteblower on person selling 6.1 software and service

Originally Posted by boggsie View Post
At the very least, it is extremely irritating.

However, I can (somewhat) see an anology with PC Setup and Configuration services ... a person advertises the ability to optimize your insert vendor name PC, and all they do is install the latest hardware drivers, including, for example tweaked drivers from laptopvideo2go or rage3d, etc.

Imagine if what he was doing was as simple as installing the WWE RUU file and vendor customizations from HTC, along with a unique theme that he put together.
If this is the case not only will I never say anything about it again but im sure others will not as well.

EDIT:: Reply I received when asking for a ROM to show what he was saying..


frankly i dont have to prove anything to you and w0w some dumbass reported me to microsoft that was smart they contacted me wanting me to penetrate ppcgeeks and xda so they can find the source of your STOLEN roms dont worry my ad will be removed soon i was informed i will be getting a cease and desist order to pull them but i wont until it arrives your work is stolen from microsoft and taken from other phone roms i am sure i will be having problems soon so if you run across a guy real eager to get to know everyone and release his own roms and is new hmmm your work is stolen to begin with and you are mad because i am using it wtf who ever reported this to microsoft isnt to smart now they can pull my ebay records and know EXACTLY who you are where you live and your address and it isnt like finding your releases will be hard for them to do i bookmarked several so every one needs to chill out

- pimpthatcell
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Last edited by NexVision; 04-19-2008 at 03:24 PM.
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