Originally Posted by hetaldp
I have gone to your Folder in FTP of ppcgeeks there i can see the File Named Basekit is that the Kit made for PPCGeeks Kitchen
I am dieing for your ROM on PPCGeeks Kitchen!!!
If I'm not mistaken that is the basekit for his v7 rom before user customization hit. I've updated the OEMizer.exe in the \kitchhen\tools folder so that it will save my settings from ppckitchen.org. That's the kitchen that I use, and quite comfortable with it. I don't spend hours creating nothing with it, I just use it to delete a couple oems and add some of my own. But all OMJ's 'tweaks' are right on and I don't fool with those. A good solid A+!
Edit: It is a commandline type kitchen, not A-gui like the one your referring to I think...