I thought I might share this. It's almost 100% complete. PLEASE note you will need have tweak the RGU file because its based on programs I use. Second cube is mainly programs I have on SD and is configured to those locations. Please let me know what you think and please post any tweaks or fixes you do. has CAB and Folder for Icons and Animations has the programs that are linked to the LAuncher. is an OEM folder you can add to a ROM
Hey I made my first cab. Cant test it because mine is cooked on my rom. Let me know if it installs correctly.Thanks
1. Unzip WiiLauncher zip.
2. Copy wii folder to root of SD card.
3. Install the cab inside the wii folder.
4. Copy the FLO.lnk to Windows StartUp Folder on Device
5. Unzip WiiLaunchApps.
6. Copy Program Files to SD card
7. Reboot and Enjoy.
1. Copy wii Folder and Program Files to the root of your SD card.
2. Install Wii Launcher.CAB to PPC.
3. Copy Flo.lnk shortcut to \Windows\Startup
4. Reboot and Enjoy
Wii Launcher Applications
Launcher 1
1.MemMaid - \Windows\MemMaid.exe
2.Opera9 - \Windows\opera9.exe
3.Core - \Storage Card\Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
4.Spb Backup- \Windows\SpbBackup.exe
6.TomTom - \Windows\TomTom Navigator.exe
7.CirleBT -\Windows\CicleBT.exe
8.Camcorder-\Windows\camera.exe -video
9.ThumbCal - \Windows\ThumbCal.exe
10.HTC Album - \Windows\HTCAlbum.exe
11.Slide2Play - \Program Files\S2P\s2p.exe
12.GoogleMaps - \Windows\GoogleMaps.exe
Launcher 1 Top Menu
13.MMS - \Windows\tmail.exe -service "MMS"
14.TaskMGR - \Windows\taskmgr.exe
15.Weather watcher - \Storage Card\Program Files\Weather\Watcher.exe
16.PocketCM - \Windows\pocketCM.exe"
17.Dialer - \Windows\Cprog.exe"
Launcher 2
1.Total Commander -\Storage Card\Program Files\TotalCMD\cecmd.exe"
2.PPCPimBackup - \Windows\PPCPimBackup.exe
3.Java - \Storage Card\J\jbed.exe"
4.Phm Registry -\Storage Card\Program Files\PHM Tools\regedit.exe"
5.MoBlog - \Storage Card\Program Files\moBlog\moBlog.exe"
6.MorphGear Emulator\Storage Card\Program Files\MorphGear\MorphGear.exe"
7.Big2 Card Game - \Storage Card\Program Files\Big2\Big2.exe"
8. WinCEpaint - \Storage Card\Program Files\WinCEPaint\WinCEPaint.exe"
9. Windows MEdia Player - \Windows\wmplayer.exe"
10.TCPMP - \Storage Card\Program Files\TCPMP\player.exe"
11.Flash Player - Storage Card\Program Files\TCPMP\EnableVL.exe"
12.Internet Explorer - \Windows\iexplorer.exe" ""
Launcher 2 Top Menu
13.Email Link - \Windows\tmail.exe"-service "ActiveSync"
14.Directory Asst. - \Storage Card\Program Files\DA\DA.exe"
15.Mozilla Browser - \Storage Card\Program Files\Minimo\mozilla.exe"
16.PocketCM - \Windows\pocketCM.exe
17.Voice Command - Windows\VoiceCommander.exe
Launcher 3
2.\Program Files\XM Radio\XMRadio.exe"
3.\Program Files\MobiTv\MobiTV.exe"
*Note* Do not use add the shortcuts to the initiate flash files during rom cooking. It prevented me from being able to configure the stylist during initial boot. I copied it from the 1st autorun file and works great.
When I finished hopefully someone will kind enough to make this into a cab!
edit: I accidently had a wrong brn file in the zip the file is MH_2_bkgd.brn its the same as the 2nd pic on this post but if you need just the brn.