Originally Posted by friguy3
When you are checking off your selections making your ROM in the kitchen, one of them is Arcsoft MMS. Now after you flash to the new ROM, youll need to make the registry edits...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]
accept: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related
useragent: utstar67kv1
X-VzW-MDN: my number
Also in the MMS screen...menu-->tools-->options-->MMS-->servers tab-->tap the server and set it up like this...
Server name: Verizon Wireless
Gateway: {blank}
Port Number: 80
Server Address: http://mms.vtext.com/servlets/mms
Connect Via: Data Network Connect or verizon wireless (or what ever you set up your connection as)
Sending Size limitation: 300 (you can change it to 350, ill find the reg edit)
WAP: WAP 2.0
hows that?
Thanks much! I just realized I was supposed to use the kitchen, I just installed a ROM. now I'm good to go.