Originally Posted by bedoig
What makes you say that? Do you have some support for this? You could be right, but I'd like to see some evidence before believing something that illogical.
Isn't flight mode intended to disable all radios on the device in order to avoid any potential interference with other electronic doodads? That would be my assumption. Along the same lines, I think it is possible that Flight Mode could disable the GPS chip even though it is a passive signal. Perhaps there is a bug that allows it to keep running after turning on flight mode, but not after a soft reset while still in flight mode.
Unless a lot more people start coming forward with similar experiences/evidence, I'm going to have to test on my own later this year in order to make up my mind.
The GPS chip has nothing to do with the radio. I can switch to flight mode and turn on GPS with Holux gps, run iGuidance and get a fix in seconds. The GPS receiver is a passive reciever and does not require the radio to be on. aGPS would require the radio to be on, but the Mogul is capable of regular GPS (like a TOM TOM, Garmin standalone unit) as well as aGPS.
As a test I just performed the above while typing this post.
My assumption is that the Comm Manager software interface that turns on Airplane mode predates the GPS activation software and either HTC/Sprint were to lazy to rewrite it, were not required to (as GPS is a passive reciver and not a transmitter), or just plain did not think about it (the most probable reason). If the FAA gives a hoot I am sure we will see changes in a later firmware release.