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Old 02-12-2007, 01:21 PM
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mcevoke: cpuscalar is not just to overclock, but more to underclock. When sitting idle my device clocks down to 200mhz and saves on the battery. I agree though, the AKU3.3 is fast enough to not need to be overclocked, usualy . On the Wisebar, you may just wna tto turn off the cascading menus and just use it as a task manager. The task features are where this shines!.

mdecker79: Not sure about the autofill, somone posted here about this on other roms as well. I just use flexmail as this does it all for me. the inital version of my Rom had only the reporting features of pOutlook as I only needed that as flexmail covered the rest. In pOutlook you can also click on "to" to bring up the address listings.

TinMan: Not sure about your hard reset issue. That should be independed of the OS loaded so it may be a hardware issues.

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