Originally Posted by paynej
First off; I *did not* create anything that is contained in this file.
The work is entirely DCD's and I deserve *NO CREDIT* whatsoever.
All I've done is take his kitchen and make it available in a form that works with the new PPCKitchen.org "official" kitchen.
And I'm sure that I am not the only person who has done this (it's not exactly rocket science). But since no one else has stepped forward, I figured I would go ahead and post it.
Download this file: http://rapidshare.com/files/10800313..._DCD_3.0.4.rar (Thanks to King Tee for uploading this)
Place it in your BuildOS/Kitchens directory and then extract "Titan_DCD_3.04_Selections.txt" and place it in the BuildOS/Projects directory.
Now you can build your own custom DCD roms using the new kitchen.
I've been using this for almost two weeks and the roms are extremely stable.
Good luck!
No prob glad to be of assistance