Re: wireless camera stream
If your camera can transmit to a URL, and encodes in a compatible stream, then I'd say yes. If you're looking for a local/direct feed, camera to phone, I can't conceive of how that might work... I've looked at this problem for home & office but haven't really found a solution I like. Cameras are either set up to feed a signal to a PC for encoding, or a raw video signal for a monitor/DVR/VCR... Some of the digitals will save video to an SD card, but again, those are dependant on a PC.
An alternate solution that dosen't utilize your phone, might be a standalone system. Some have a wireless camera and a handheld monitor, usually on 2.4gHz so you've that range to consider. Dosen't integrate with your phone, but on the plus side, you don't have an additional app to conflict with or take up resources.
I have used ORB with a webcam on my PC, and can view it from any browser, and my phone. The framerate isn't stellar and there's a 20-30 sec time lag, but it's clean enough to see if someone's boxing up my TV. lol
Navizon: Get paid to use your phone.
LogMeIn - remote control your PC from your phone.
Just because you're paranoid, dosen't mean they're not out to get you.