Originally Posted by jakdillard
come on taking OMJ's or anybody else's that they put their time into is lazy
In all fairness, that is a pretty short-sighted statement to make.
If you use freeware or open-source software (Linux) do you write your own kernel, piece together various parts of other peoples work or just download and install a working distribution?
I think that is a fairly decent anology.
It is possible to re-create everything necessary ...
It is possible to piece together all of the tools and make them work ...
It is possible to use a completely functional (PPCKitchen - just not for the Touch) ...
When you decided that you needed to get to and from a particular destination, did you create a new and unique mode of transportation or did you go out and choose from the available options? (bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, truck)
So, we're all probably a bit
lazy, or maybe it's simply being practical or pragmatic ...
Best regards,