Re: TEXT Message resend issue
I too have had this same issue. I sent a msg to my brother on Sat night. He kept getting the same msg sent to him every so often. When he told me about it I noticed that My phone kept alerting me of an outbound Text msg being sent. So I knew then it was my phone and not his. As you may know a soft reset does nothing to correct the issue. I Called Tech support and only thing they suggested was a Hard Reset. I refused to believe that was the only solution. So I asked my brother to be patient with me until I could figure something out. Not sure How or what made me think of this solution but never the less it worked. I called Customer Service late one night and had them put a Text msg Block on my account preventing me to send or rcv any Text Msgs. Then I shut my phone off over night and in the morning I turned my phone back on and the phone immediatley tried to send the txt but this time because the blocks where on it got stuck and was sent to the Draft folder. I went into the draft folder and deleted the msg and on the way into work I called them back and had them take the Txt msg blocks Off. Since then I have not had the problem happen again. If you think about it, It makes perfect sense. So no need to hard Reset. I hope this helps anyone else who may have had this problem.