Originally Posted by gambatte
Well, the problem is the initial connection and you said that it won't connect. That usually means some kind of access refusal. Once it connects, you should or it may automatically open a browser window to input that username/password. That is what happens with most pay WIFI access, e.g.ORD airport.
So you are saying that these WIFI users can connect but you need to ask if they had to do anything special from the school IT perspective to connect.
I totally agree with 100% of this.
Originally Posted by blasphemous_prime
if the LAN is unsecure, then there's no need for a WEP key. as long as you can leech off an unsecure network, you're good.
You mean WLAN as only wireless needs WEP and LAN is hardwired. But even so if you go to you WiFi settings and choose the SSID it will automactically tell you if it is encrypted or not. So if he goes to his school and (like in screenshot #3) it reads "Open" for Authentication and Data Encryption is "Disabled" then it is unsecured. If it is that AND he STILL cannot at least pull a IP then either IT has MAC filtration setup OR a limitied number of DHCP IP addresses to be assigned and that number is already maxed at the time he is trying to connect. But as said earlier, if he knows other are using an iPhone or Touch to connect and CAN surf then it would be wise to simply ask them if they had to do anything particular or simply picked up an ensecured spot and opened thier browser to surf (possibly after entering school assigned credentials).