Originally Posted by Nickles
By request - can you slip DCD's new 3.0.4 in here as well ?
Here u go. I have been running this all day with no problems.
Place it in your BuildOS/Kitchens directory and copy selections text to the projects folder in build OS and make sure u select .NET CF 35. because i was getting the trusted certificates error. It was because i forgot to select .NET CF 35
All credit goes to DCD all i did was repackage it for the Titan Kitchen.
Place it in your BuildOS/Kitchens directory and then extract "Titan_DCD_3.01_Selections.txt" and place it in the BuildOS/Projects directory.
EDIT: I forgot to change the payload file to nk.fat Im upping a fix right now.
http://rapidshare.com/files/10810696....0.4_FIXED.rar Really fixed this time LOL
Remove ---> _Fixed <---from the end of the file name before you place it in the kitchens directory.