Thread: Wifi Help
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Old 04-15-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: Wifi Help

Originally Posted by CarRamrod View Post
I know how to use wifi and everything with my 6700 but I have no idea on how to access private networks. The one I know I can access is my school's network in which whenever I log on to one of their computers I enter my user name and password. Where do I go to enter these so I can access the network with my phone?
Does anyone notice a contradiction here? He says he knows how to use WiFi on the 6700 but doesnt know how to connect to a Private LAN?

Originally Posted by gambatte View Post
I guess I'm not understanding. Why can't you surf on the school WIFI? The username/password gets you on the LAN doesn't it? That should have internet access as well as intranet access (school specific stuff that you need the login for). You must have connected at a WIFI hotspot before, e.g. Starbucks, McDonald's, airport, hotel, etc. Those are unsecured WIFI for internet access and usually just connect when you detect them if they are free. Private home, secured (they have a small lock on the SSID) networks have the keys and passphrases. It's usually businesses and schools that have the logins. Am I understanding your question?

OK, well I just read your first post a little more carefully. Your school must not have WIFI and it is a wired ethernet LAN. But then you seem to know the login of the WIFI you are trying to connect to. Do you know this SSID?
He cant surf on the school WiFi because they likely run an open network but when you open your broswer is when it asks for his authentications. This is no different that a lot of places and espcially hotels. His school likely does do WiFi BUT it is also likely MAC filtered which is why he can detect it but cannot connect. It is likely setup for authorized personel to which he is not. He does not know the WiFi login or else he wouldnt be here asking (or again, he isnt authorized) and he already can pick up the WiFi because he says he can see it but cannot connect to it.

The schools IT has it set up where he must be authorized to connect and use WiFi. He can see and detect the SSID but cannot connect to it. He is authorized to connect via LAN on a desktop after giving his UID/Pass.
Loving my rooted Droid X

Last edited by weedahoe; 04-15-2008 at 10:56 PM.
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