Originally Posted by rayswiz
wow thanks I've been in the button options a million times and never seen it in there and I was just getting ready to reply back saying there is no rotate screen option. But once I scrolled up, there it was. The most beautiful words I've ever seen in my life "Rotate Screen"!
thanks man!
A little freeware app may be of interest to you.... i.e. RBC9-Landscape 1.0
I tried it out on my Mogul and it works like a charm.
http://handheld.softpedia.com/get/Ot...pe-40862.shtml or dowload from my post...
When run, it places an icon in the tray at the bottom of the Today screen (two versions are available Left and Right, only run the one you need). When run the screen switches to landscape mode in the configuration picked i.e. Left or Right. A simple click on the icon at the bottom of the Today screen will rotate back to Landscape without needing to open Settings etc.
click "Thanks" if this was of help to you