In return for having received quite a bit from the community, I've added a couple of things, both to the wiki and the OEM packages directory.
OEM packages listing has been started.
Packages added to the FTP site:- Omega One 1-Calc Lite 3.0.0
- PhatWare CalliGrapher 8.4
- Pmmax CryptoCard
- FileDialogChanger 1.66
- Microsoft .NET CF 1.0 SP3 and .NET CF 2.0 SP1
- O2 Plus 2.3.02100906
- ReenSoft PIE Plus 2.2
- Resco Explorer 2005 5.42
- monocube SafeMode 2.1
- Spb Diary 2.2.1
- Spb Finance 2.7.1
- Spb Folder 1.0.1
- Spb Pocket Plus 3.1.2
- Spb ToPlay 1.0.0
- Spb Weather 1.6.2
- Sprint Extended ROM APA_SPCS_20600_303_12700_WWE_Ship
- VJCandela 0.3
- WM5torage 1.7.3
- zaTelnet 0.5.1
More information available on the wiki, with homepage URLs, descriptions, sizes, notes, etc.
P.S. If you're wondering why all the packages are prefixed "Sogarth-", it's so that people know who to yell at if things don't seem to work.
P.P.S. Yes, it is possible to strip files out of a number of those packages. I've done so with some of them, for example.
P.P.P.S. Wideawake, I'm sorry about thrashing the FTP server for about 10 minutes or so. I needed to check that all of the FTP URLs worked properly, since it would be pretty bad if they didn't work.