Originally Posted by soinkster
wtf submerge my phone in a liquid ? I don't buy that method im very skeptical of that suggestion ...smh get out of here!! this guy at work suggested putting it in the freezer anyone familiar with this for saving a phone ?
I know it's hard to belive, but there are actualy liquids that displace water. WD40 being one of them. I DO NOT recomend spraying your phone down with WD40 however. Also, not all liquids conduct electricity.
The idea behind alcohol is it will displace the water, and then evaporate quickly. It also acts as a mild solvent, cleaning the parts as well.
There are two pontential problems I see with this however. The alcohol could react with any plastic peices on the phone. If you were to just clean the circuit board with alcohol, this might not be too much off a problem.
The second is the screen. I'm not too sure with how the alcohol will react with the membrane that most lcd's use for there contacts. It could also effect the touchscreen as well.
Usualy, you should be fine just removing power from the device and letting it dry completely. It realy depends on how long it was submerged for though.