Good place to be colonel! You shouldn't even be checking this site. Take a night off, man!
Mike, I'm not sure what "twisted" means exactly in this context but it sounds fun too.
Yes colonel, except for in your ROM (or any rom that has removed the Cyberon voice dialer) you need to modify that reg entry to point to something else (again I suggest rundll32.exe). Otherwise you will have the same problem with button 5 even without voice command installed. Some users in your thread were reporting problems with button 5 even without VC, which is what caused me to look at that registry value again.
So yeah, you should make the change to your next rom revision. And no, deleting the entry entirely will cause the same problem with button 5. On the apache that value needs to exist and point to a valid .exe in order for button 5 to be assignable.
Hope that helps.