Originally Posted by huskrfj
thanks man! I hope this works... So can I just change these to any .exe i wish? Or should I use something like tdlaunch? I suspect its doing basically the same thing just with the app I don't have to reg edit?
I am using resco file explorer and finally found it but cannot figure out how to edit the file. When I try to open with notes its says it is been moved or deleted or something. I see why it was not launching (I think):
<APP1 x="0" y="0" w="48" h="45" img="ql_phone.bmp" img_mask="ql_phone_mask.bmp" link="\Windows\ql_phone.lnk"/>
<APP2 x="48" y="0" w="48" h="45" img="ql_music.bmp" img_mask="ql_music_mask.bmp" link="\Windows\Music.exe"/>
<APP3 x="96" y="0" w="48" h="45" img="ql_photos.bmp" img_mask="ql_photos_mask.bmp" link="\Windows\HTCAlbum.exe" cmdline="-mode:camera -type:image"/>
<APP4 x="144" y="0" w="48" h="45" img="ql_search.bmp" img_mask="ql_search_mask.bmp" link="\Program Files\Live Search\Live Search\Live Search.exe" />
<APP5 x="192" y="0" w="48" h="45" img="ql_TV.bmp" img_mask="ql_tv_mask.bmp" link="\Program Files\SprintTV\SprintTV.exe" />
The button of concern is the windows live launcher and it is for some reason showing two live search folders one inside the other.
Is there anyway to ope this in notepad on the touch itself? I sent it to my self and am thinking I will just edit it in notepad on my computer and overwrite it. Any suggestions are GREATly appreciated.